How to Trade Stocks: While having fun at the Jersey Shore

How to Trade Stocks: While having fun at the Jersey Shore

This story predominately involves Lewis youthful exuberant experiences at

the Jersey Shores.. which started long before his college days and

occupation apparatus, as a matter of fact, his adventures initiated in early

youth, and realizing that most will resonate with hearing a song while

walking on the boardwalk and that song happens to be, 'Wild Wood Days;

by Bobby Rydell. In those days when hanging out with his friends on the

weekends and consuming cases of Cold Duck, all provides somewhat of a

lens into his wayward days, and meeting wayward women; of whom he

thought, was the greatest thing since sliced bread. This is a lesson

regarding a young man's coming of age, which is as relevant as American

apple pie. Joumey with me down memory lane and explore the most poignant times of his life. Watch at:

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